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Twirlers in Action: Tess Gardner & Grace Jones Take Over Louisiana Tech’s Game Days

Baton twirlers with pom poms

Meet Tess Gardner and Grace Jones from Louisiana Tech University!

Welcome to an exciting takeover on our baton twirling blog! Today, we are thrilled to feature two talented baton twirlers from Louisiana Tech University—Tess Gardner and Grace Jones. These college athletes bring their passion for twirling to every game day and beyond, representing their university with pride and enthusiasm. Let’s dive into their stories, experiences, and tips for aspiring college twirlers!

Meet the Twirlers

Tess Gardner

Year in School: Sophomore

Hometown: Birmingham, Alabama

Years Twirling: 6 years

Primary Experience: Solo performer

Years Twirling at the College Level: 2nd year

Grace Jones

Year in School: Junior

Hometown: Henderson, Texas

Years Twirling: 12 years

Primary Experience: Solo performer & member of a twirling team

Years Twirling at the College Level: 3rd year

Game Day Highlights and Traditions

Game day is a thrilling experience for Tess and Grace, filled with excitement and energy. For Tess, her favorite part is the pregame ritual. She describes the electrifying atmosphere of the stadium when the crowd cheers and the band kicks off with the pregame jog. Alongside the drum major, she and Grace run onto the field, hearing their names announced as they begin the fight song. Tess treasures these moments, feeling the energy and excitement from the fans and the sense of anticipation in the air.

Grace’s favorite part of game day is the pep rallies, where she gets to connect with fans and alumni, twirling right in front of her family and friends. She loves the community’s enthusiasm and enjoys sharing her passion for baton twirling with the crowd.

Baton twirler on field in pose

Memorable Game Day Moments

Tess’s most memorable game day was a Halloween halftime show where her band played spooky classics like “Night on Bald Mountain” and “Thriller.” She loved the theatricality and creativity of choreographing for such a themed performance. She and Grace wore dramatic black costumes, embracing the spooky spirit as they danced to the music. The grand finale featured the entire band doing the “Thriller” dance, which had the crowd roaring with excitement!

For Grace, the annual "Twirler for a Day" event stands out as a special experience. It’s an opportunity for aspiring young twirlers to join her and Tess on the field, learning routines and getting a taste of the college twirling experience. She particularly cherishes this event as it allows her to share her love for the sport with others, and having alumni join as instructors adds an extra layer of meaning and connection.

What They Love About Twirling for Louisiana Tech

For Tess, twirling at Louisiana Tech is all about community. She fell in love with the school’s small-town charm and supportive fanbase from the moment she toured the campus. The local fans, students, and alumni all create a tight-knit, enthusiastic atmosphere that makes game days feel special. The students’ cheers and encouragement during halftime performances are a highlight for her, making every moment memorable.

Grace echoes Tess’s sentiments, emphasizing the connections she’s built through twirling. Competing in the Miss Louisiana Tech Pageant was a highlight for her, showcasing her talent and passion for twirling. She’s grateful for the supportive community that makes twirling at Louisiana Tech feel like being part of a family.

Game Day Rituals and Preparation

Baton twirler smiling at camera looking happy

Tess and Grace have unique pre-game rituals that help them get in the zone. Tess focuses on her mindset, using affirmations and mental preparation to ensure she’s confident and ready. She practices each song to perfection during the last rehearsal to remind herself of her abilities and boost her confidence.

Grace, on the other hand, prioritizes calmness to manage her nerves. She starts her day with coffee from her favorite local spot and stays hydrated throughout the day. Her warm-up routine includes stretching and practicing challenging tricks to keep her focused and confident.

Nutrition on Game Day

Both twirlers prioritize hydration and a balanced diet on game day. Tess sticks to light meals like bagels and fruits, while also making sure she stays energized with caffeine and electrolytes. Grace prefers egg bites for breakfast and a lighter lunch to maintain her energy levels while keeping hydrated and avoiding excess caffeine beyond her morning coffee.

Advice for Future College Twirlers

Tess and Grace have valuable advice for anyone looking to twirl at the college level. Tess emphasizes the importance of confidence and having fun, encouraging future twirlers to enjoy their performances and remember why they fell in love with twirling in the first place. She reminds twirlers that the crowd responds to enthusiasm and passion rather than difficulty alone.

Grace’s advice is to choose a school that feels like home. Having moved out of state for college, she knows how important it is to love the environment where you’ll spend the next few years. She encourages twirlers to follow their hearts and pursue what makes them happiest, just as she found her place at Louisiana Tech.

two twirlers on football field happy

Fun Facts About Twirling at Louisiana Tech

Tess and Grace get to twirl during both football and basketball seasons, showcasing their talents year-round.

They are on a scholarship for twirling and earn college credit as part of their involvement with the marching band.

A unique aspect of their program is the opportunity to design their own costumes, with one costume provided for free by the band each season.

When offered a position, twirlers have a guaranteed spot on the team for all four years!

Tess Gardner and Grace Jones are truly dedicated and passionate about their roles as college twirlers. They inspire others to follow their dreams, cherish their communities, and, above all, have fun while twirling! We are so grateful to them for sharing their experiences and advice with us.


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